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SCP-409 resembles a large quartz crystal approximately 16m (2ft) wide. SCP-714, or "The Jaded Ring", is an SCP object that can be found and used by the player in SCP - Containment Breach. Item #: SCP-055 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Object is kept within a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2. Get a better one here: https://operagx. demini dachshund for sale los angeles craigslist He is a disposable class of personnel housed at the SCP Foundation, an extremely secretive organization that contains and analyzes dangerous, supernatural entities labeled SCPs, using death row inmates to test … SCP-096, or "The Shy Guy" is a harmful humanoid SCP encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. The Chaos Insurgency is mainly built on former personnel of the SCP Foundation that went AO with several SCPs. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed. He is a disposable class of personnel housed at the SCP Foundation, an extremely secretive organization that contains and analyzes dangerous, supernatural entities labeled SCPs, using death row inmates to test these creatures SCP - Containment Breach Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. dewill moseley net worth Multiplayer survival horror game based on stories from the SCP Foundation. It isn't known when SCP-079 gained sentience. The game follows D-9341, a Class-D test subject during a containment breach, where several SCPs are encountered. The dark red ink, originally thought to be berry dye, was later revealed to be blood from multiple subjects. SCP-148, referred to as "The "Telekill" Alloy" is a useful SCP object found in SCP - Containment Breach. walmart bakersfield ca SCP-1162 is a hole in a cinderblock wall. ….

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